1. Q.   What happens to my personal days that I did not use this school year?
A.    You get 4 personal days each year.  If you did not use all of them this
year, one will automatically roll over to a personal and that will give you 5
for next year.  Any other unused personal days will automatically be
turned into sick days and added to your total.  No forms need to be filled out.


2. Q.   Since all teachers must have a BCI check, should I go ahead and do it
A.    No, You can only get the BCI check done the year that you are renewing
your license.  The exception to this rule is that if you held a permanent
certificate or an 8-yr certificate during the 07-08 school year, you must
be fingerprinted by Sept. 2008.


3.  Q.   Do I need to fill out a transfer request form if I want to bid on job
postings and/or vacancies?
A.    No, you only need to fill out a request form if you want job postings to
be mailed to your house during the summer. Even if you did fill out the
form, you must still BID on a job within the 5-day time limit if you want
to be considered for that job.


4.  Q:  When is the last day Buckeye Local will release me from my contract if I decide to seek employment elsewhere?
A:  July 10th is the last day you can be released from your contract without penalty.
After that date, the Board can refuse to release you, and the state can suspend
your Ohio license for 1 year.  Your letter of resignation must arrive 5 working days
before this date.


5.  Q:  Do I need a Masters Degree before I can apply for a continuing contract?
A:  No. See your building rep for details.