BLCTA Constitution & By-Laws


Scott W. DiMauro,President 

Jeffrey Wensing, Vice President Mark Hill, Secretary-Treasurer 

Patricia Collins Murdock, Executive Director 


DATE: 07/05/2023 

TO: Buckeye Loc CTA 

FROM: Legal Department 

SUBJECT: Local Association’s Constitution and Bylaws Compliance 

The OEA Legal Department has conducted a review of your local’s Constitution and Bylaws. The OEA  Board of Directors will be presented with a report listing the Buckeye Loc CTA Constitution and  Bylaws as being in compliance with OEA Bylaw 9-2 – Standards for Affiliation.  

This OEA Board of Directors’ review does not mean that the Constitution and Bylaws have been ratified  by the members of Buckeye Loc CTA in accordance with the Article of Amendments contained in the  Constitution and Bylaws. The ratification of the local’s Constitution and Bylaws is the role of the local.  

The next Constitution and Bylaws review is scheduled in May of 2028. Therefore, it is recommended  that this review date be placed on your local’s official calendar. Prior to this review date, the current  local president will need to contact OEA to request an updated standards test and an OEA Model  Constitution and Bylaws to ensure that the local Constitution and Bylaws remains in compliance. If  updates or amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws occur prior to the next review date please submit  the updated document, in its entirety, to OEA for the “Standards for Affiliation Test” process.  

If your local has any questions regarding the review process, please contact OEA Legal Services by  phone at 1-800-282-1500, extension 3129 or by e-mail to Questions concerning  Constitution and Bylaws that do not pertain to the review process, should be directed to your Labor  Relations Consultant.  

cc: Randie Cosby, Labor Relations Consultant 

Melissa Wilson, Associate Staff 

Elaine Silveira, Regional Director 

Officers of Buckeye Loc CTA

225 E. Broad St., Box 2550, Columbus, OH 43216 PHONE: (614) 228-4526 or 1-800-282-1500 FAX: (614) 228-8771 An Affiliate of the National Education Association 

C&B Received Date: 05/17/2023__________________ Melissa Wilson, Associate Staff______________________ SUBMITTED BY 

Standards Test Review/Date: 06/01/2023_________________ Buckeye Local CTA_____________________________ LOCAL ASSOCIATION NAME 

Legal Review/Date: _______________________ C&B Effective Date:_________________________Review __Memo/Email __Update BoD Report __Input into 360 __Save in Legal Dept file 

OEA STANDARDS FOR AFFILIATIONS TEST FOR LOCAL ASSOCIATIONS Standards for Affiliation of departments, districts, and local associations as required in OEA Bylaw 9-2 

+9.2 Page from 


a.1 4 Affiliation – The local shall maintain affiliation with OEA/NEA/District Associations a.2 6 Unified Membership – All members will be members of OEA/NEA/District Associations a.3 28 Dues – All members will also pay dues for OEA/NEA/District Associations b. Have a constitution consistent with the constitution of OEA (Legal Review) 

b.1 7/21 Ensure Officers defined in Constitution are the same as the Bylaws and have duties assigned 

b.2 7 Starting Date of Officers 

b.3 7 Terms of Officers 


Article/Section Local C&B I., B. III., C. (B) 6-2 IV., B. IV., B. N/A b.4 

7 Qualifications for Officers (Not Required, but if included, check if reasonable) IV., C. b.5

8-9/11 Filling Vacancy During Term of Office

10 Only Elected Executive Committee Members Have Voting Rights b.7 10 Terms of Office for Building Representatives

11 Conflict with Fiduciary Responsibility_________________________________________ b.9

13 Non-Members Have No Right To Vote – Elections 


14 Impeachment/Due Process 


20 Quorum 


26 OEA as Designated Representative with SERB or NLRB (different than naming as  negotiations representative) 


13/28/36 Fair Share Fee Language (should be in the Collective Bargaining Agreement, not the local  C&B) 


30 Expulsion of Members 


31 Due Process for Expulsion of Members 


34 Dissolution 

b.17 Other 

 +9.2 column refers to the article letter in OEA’s Bylaw 9-2.  

*Model refers to OEA Model Constitution and Bylaws for Local Association

V., A. V., C. V., G. VI., G. VII. (B) 2 (B) 5-3 — B) 8 (B) 9 (B) 12 

+9.2 Page  from 



III., F. 

6 All members shall abide by the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession.  


10 Provide a ratio of representatives to members to ensure equal representation. (one member-one vote principle) 

Example: One (1) representative in each building for every fifteen (15) members. 


11 The affiliate shall provide for ethnic-minority representation at least proportionate to its ethnic-minority membership. 

11 Provide for proportional representation between its classroom teacher members and its education support personnel members. (Where a multi-jurisdictional affiliate exists.) 

12 Require periodic elections of officers by secret ballot subject to safeguards concerning the equal right  of all members to nominate, seek office, and vote in elections as set forth in the OEA Elections  Manual. 


26 Conduct all ratifications of collective bargaining agreements in accordance with the guidelines as set  forth in the OEA Elections Manual. 


27 Non-Members have no right to vote – contract ratification 

13 Preserve all ballots, marked, unmarked and voided, and all other record pertaining to elections of  OEA officers, OEA and NEA delegates and alternates for one year from the election, and make such  ballots and other record available to OEA officers and/or designee(s) for inspection and examination. 

29 Have the same membership year as that of OEA, September 1 – August 31. j. 16/

28 Have a dues structure to fund adequately a quality program. 

19 Provide for regular meetings (at least two per year – spaced out over the year.) l. 23/24 Provide for effective member communication. 


15 Provide for effective committee structure to achieve the goals of the organization. m.2 12/24 Have an election committee

Provide for actively seeking exclusive bargaining representation. (For New Affiliations Only.) V., C. V., D.; XII., A. V., E. VI., C. – D. (B) 5-6 (B) 5-9 VI., F. (B) 7-1 IX., A. (B) 1-2 (B) 3-5., A. – B. VIII.; (B) 4 VI., C.; (B) 4-1 N/A 

——————————AREA BELOW FOR OEA USE ONLY———————————————- Representative Assembly Status by Virtue of Office. 


President X ___________ ___________ X ___________ ___________

Vice-President  ______________________ X ___________ ___________ 

Treasurer ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

Secretary ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

Other: ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ 

May 2022

BLCTA Constitution & By-Laws 









Section A. The name of this organization shall be the BUCKEYE LOCAL CLASSROOM  TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION. 

Section B. The BUCKEYE LOCAL CLASSROOM TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION henceforth  referred to as the Association, shall maintain affiliation with the Eastern Ohio Education  Association, the Ohio Education Association, and the National Education Association. 



Section A. The purpose of the Association shall be to: 

Help set and promote the educational objectives of the local school system and of the state and  of the nation; 

Protect the welfare and advance the professional interests of its members; Foster professional attitudes; 

Establish and maintain helpful, friendly relationships within the membership and school  community. 



Section A. Any person employed by the Buckeye Local Board of Education as a classroom  teacher who does not hold an administrative or principal’s position may become an active  member. 

Section B. The membership in the Association shall consist of two classes: Active and  Honorary. 

Section C. Active members shall be members of the Buckeye Local Classroom Teachers’  Association, the Eastern Ohio Educational Association, the Ohio Education Association, and the  National Education Association. 

Section D. Honorary membership in this Association shall be open to all retired teachers of  Buckeye Local School District. Honorary members cannot vote, hold office or attend general  sessions. 

Section E. Any person holding an administrative or principal’s position, and any other  professional school personnel in the Buckeye Local School District may be extended the  courtesy of honorary membership. 

Section F. All members shall abide by the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession. ARTICLE IV 


Section A. The Officers of the Association shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, and  Treasurer. 

Section B. All Officers shall hold office for a two-year term beginning June 1st and ending May  31st. The President and Vice President shall be elected in odd years. The Treasurer and  Secretary will be elected in even years. 

Section C

  1. Whenever the office of President becomes vacant due to death, incapacity, termination,  resignation, retirement or recall, the Vice President shall automatically assume the presidency  for the remaining part of the term. 
  2. A vacancy in the office of Vice President, Secretary, or Treasurer, shall be filled by an  appointment of the President with the approval of two-thirds of a quorum of the Board of  Directors/Executive Committee in a secret ballot. 


Executive Committee 

Section A. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the elected officers of the  Association and Association Representatives. The President, Vice President, Secretary,  Treasurer, and Association Representatives must be elected by secret ballot. 

Section B. The Executive Committee shall:

  1. Act as advisors to the officers, assign duties, be responsible for all committees of the  Association, and have such policy-making authority as provided in this Constitution and By Laws. 
  2. Act as the authoritative voice of the Association on positions affecting the Association during  the interim period between regular meetings. 
  3. Prepare recommendations for the consideration and action of the Association. 4. Carry out policies established at general membership meetings. 
  4. Report its transactions and those of the general membership to all members. 
  5. Direct an independent audit of the Association’s financial records at regular intervals not to  exceed two (2) years. 
  6. The auditing of books will take place before May 15. The President shall appoint the auditing  committee. 
  7. Ensure the Association acts on an annual financial report presented by the Association  Treasurer. 

Section C. There will be one association representative elected for a term of one year in each  building for every 15 members or fraction thereof. Each representative has one vote on the  Executive Committee. 

Section D. It is the policy of this Association, and it shall take all legally permissible steps to  achieve governance and delegate representation of ethnic minority at least proportionate to the  ethnic minority membership in the Association. 

Section E. Certified member(s) and education support professionals shall be elected to the  Executive Committee in proportion to their respective membership in the Association. 

Section F. A vacancy on the Executive Committee due to death, incapacity, termination,  resignation, retirement or recall, shall be filled for the remainder of the term by majority vote of  the Executive Committee of the local. 

Section G. No business or financial transaction involving a member of the Executive committee  or agent of the Association, or their spouse, children, or parents, or otherwise as described in  this Section, shall conflict with the fiduciary responsibility of such person to the Association.  Such relationships with the members of the Executive Committee include relationships with any  person that would reasonably be expected to affect the person’s judgment with respect to the  transaction of conduct in question in a manner adverse to the Association. 



Section A. The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee whose duty it shall be to  present a slate of officers for each office. Candidates for office may also be submitted by a  petition signed by at least seven (7) active members or by nomination from the floor.

Section B. No member shall be nominated for office without the knowledge and consent of the  individual. 

Section C. The President shall appoint an Elections Committee whose duty it shall be to  conduct elections in accordance with the OEA Elections Manual and to resolve all challenges or  protests to an election. No nominee for office shall serve concurrently on the Elections  Committee. 

Section D. Elections of officers and Executive Committee members shall be conducted by  secret ballot in each building during one school day designated by the Elections Committee on  or before the first Friday in May. 

Section E. The Elections Committee shall report the results of the election to the total  membership within five (5) calendar days following the election. 

Section F. All ballots (marked, unmarked, and voided) and all other records pertaining to the  election of officers of this Association and OEA and NEA delegates and alternates shall be  preserved for one year from the date the election was held; and such ballots and other records  shall be made available to OEA officers upon request for inspection and examination. 

Section G. Non-members of the Association, including fee payers, shall not have the right to  vote, hold office, or otherwise have privilege of Association membership. 


Impeachment of Officers 

Section A. Officers of the Association may be impeached for violation of the Code of Ethics of  the Education Profession or for misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance in office. 

Section B. Impeachment proceedings against an officer may be initiated by written petition  submitted to the Executive Committee by at least twenty-five (25) percent of the members. 

Section C. If, after a due-process hearing, a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Committee  sustains the charge, the office shall become vacant. 

Section D. The officer may appeal the decision to a special meeting of the general membership. ARTICLE VIII 


Section A. The Association shall have such standing committees as are necessary to carry out  the responsibilities and program of the Association. The President with approval of the  Executive Committee shall appoint all committees. 

Section B. The duties of committees shall be such as are determined by the Executive  Committee. 

Section C. Ad hoc (temporary) committees may be formed as necessary to achieve the  Association Program.



Section A. The local association shall have a dues structure adequate to fund an active  program. 

Section B. Title II Reduction Teachers and Sixty (60) day substitute teachers will pay the full  Buckeye Local Classroom Teachers’ Association dues. 



Section A. Amendments to this Constitution may be made by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of those  voting at any regular meeting provided that the amendments have been introduced at least  fifteen (15) days prior to the voting date; and that copies of proposed amendments have been  distributed to all members for discussion. 



Section A. This Association reserves the right to align itself with any professional organizations. ARTICLE XII 

Ethnic Minority on Governing Body 

Section A. Ethnic minority representation shall be guaranteed at least proportionate to the  Association’s ethnic minority membership. 



Section 1-1 The Board of Directors/ Executive Committee shall meet monthly or at the call of  the President. 

Section 1-2 The general membership meetings shall be held at least twice per year, e.g. one  in spring and one in the fall or once in September and once in May. Additional meetings may be  called by the President, a majority vote of the Board of Directors/ Executive Committee, or a  petition to the President signed by at least ten (10) percent of the active membership. Such  petitions shall state the purpose of the desired meeting and the business of that meeting shall  be limited to consideration of the stated purpose. 


Section 2-1 The quorum for the Board of Directors/Executive committee meetings shall be  one more than fifty (50) percent.

Section 2-2 The quorum for a general meeting shall be the membership present. BYLAW 3. DUTIES OF OFFICERS 

Section 3-1 President 

  1. Preside over all Association meetings and prepare their agendas. 
  2. Represent the Association on all matters of Association policy. 
  3. Serve as ex-officio member of all Association committees. 
  4. Represent the Association at Uniserv Council meetings. 
  5. Serve as a delegate to the OEA Representative Assembly by virtue of his/her office. F. Serve as a delegate to the EOEA Representative Assembly by virtue of his/her office. Section 3-2 Vice President 
  6. Preside over Association meetings in the absence of the President. 
  7. Perform such other duties as delegated by the President. 
  8. Carry out the duties of the President in their absence including the signing of all legal  documents and/or forms. 
  9. Represent the Association at the Uniserv Council meetings. 
  10. Serve as a delegate to the OEA Representative Assembly by virtue of his/her office. F. Serve as a delegate to the EOEA Representative Assembly by virtue of his/her office. Section 3-3 Secretary 
  11. Keep accurate minutes of all official meetings of the Association. 
  12. Maintain official files of the Association. 
  13. Perform such other duties as delegated by the President. 

Section 3-4 Treasurer 

  1. Hold the funds of the Association and disburse them upon authorization of the Board of  Directors/Executive Committee. 
  2. Maintain records of receipts and disbursements. 
  3. Prepare financial reports for meetings of the Board of Directors/Executive Committee and an  annual financial statement to be distributed to the membership.
  4. Prepare for an independent audit as authorized by the Board of Directors/Executive  Committee. 
  5. Shall be bonded. 
  6. Chair the Budget Committee. 

Section 3-5 Association Representative 

  1. Report recommended policies and other actions of the Board of Directors/Executive  Committee to members in her/his building or unit of representation. 
  2. Transmit proposals and recommendations from members in her/his building or unit of  representation to the Board of Directors/Executive committee for its consideration. 
  3. Assist the membership committee in the collection of dues. 
  4. Assist the elections committee in the distribution and collection of ballots. E. Attend all official meetings of the Association or provide an alternate in her/his absence. 
  5. Act as a consultant to the individual member who has a professional problem and, when  necessary, seek needed assistance from the Association. 

Section 3-6 Teacher Professional Organization Stipends 

  1. The Board of Education will pay an annual stipend to the Officers and Association  Representatives who serve on the BLCTA Executive Committee. The Association shall certify  the stipend amounts to the Board’s Treasurer, which can in no event exceed the maximum  amount allowed by ORC Rule 3307-6-01. The Association shall promptly and fully reimburse the  Board for the total cost of the stipends, including any applicable retirement costs/workers  compensation/Medicare. 


Section 4-1 There shall be the following committees: 

Negotiations assess membership concerns prior to bargaining, develop initial proposals of  the Association, and provide additional advice and input, upon the request of the bargaining  team, during active negotiations. 

Elections – charged with the responsibility to protect the integrity of an election or vote and  ensure that an election is conducted in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the OEA  Election Manual and with local, state, and national constitutions. 

Grievance – maintenance of, and membership advocacy in, grievance procedure. 

Insurance – will examine, research and report methods of maintaining and improving benefits  and reducing the cost of health insurance coverage to be composed of 3 members of the  bargaining unit selected by the Executive Committee and 3 members appointed by the Board.

Budget/Fiscal Fitness prepares a budget giving estimates of income and expenditures  (including a separate estimate for each committee) for the future fiscal year. 

Audit checks accuracy of accounting procedures. The auditing of books will take place before  May 15th of each year. The President shall appoint the auditing committee. 

Membership maintains membership rolls, conducts and /or assists with membership drives,  works in conjunction with the treasurer. 

Constitution and Bylaws reviews and submit to OEA the local’s C&B when amended or  every five years. 

Sick Bank – composed of the members of the Executive Committee who will review all  applications for sick bank usage and make final determination. 

BLCTA Scholarship – provide applications to Guidance department, review applications, select  and notify award recipient. 

Section 4-2 Necessary sub-committees may be appointed, as needed, by the  committee chairperson. 


Section 5-1 The Association shall be represented in collective bargaining by an  authorized team of Association Representatives appointed by the President and Board of  Directors/Executive Committee. 

  1. If the President is not an active member of the bargaining team, the President will be an ex officio member of the Association bargaining team. 
  2. Members of the bargaining team need not necessarily be from the negotiations committee. C. Necessary sub-committees may be appointed, as needed, by the committee chairperson. 
  3. The bargaining team shall have the authority to bargain in good faith; make proposals,  counterproposals, and concessions; and make tentative agreement on a contract with  representatives of the Board of Education. 
  4. While negotiations are in progress, periodic reports to members may be made by the  bargaining team. 

Section 5-2 In preparation for bargaining, the negations committee shall make reports  and recommendations to the Board of Directors/Executive Committee. 

Section 5-3 The Ohio Education Association represents the Association on all matters  concerning the Association before the State Employment Relations Board (SERB). 

Section 5-4 The OEA/NEA UniServ Consultant shall be the Association’s designated  bargaining representative. 

Section 5-5 Written copies of the tentative agreement summary should be given to the  general membership prior to ratification.

Section 5-6 Conduct all ratifications of collective bargaining agreements in  accordance with the guidelines for ratification of collective bargaining agreements and fact  finder reports as set forth in the OEA Elections Manual. 

Section 5-7 A vote on a tentative agreement to the contract or on a fact-finding report  shall be made by written ballot. 

  1. No absentee or proxy votes will be allowed on contract ratification votes or fact-finding  reports. 
  2. The first vote on contract ratification or a fact-finding report will be to accept or reject the  contract/report as presented. 
  3. All ballots used in a vote regarding a contract ratification or fact-finding report, after  tabulation, will be sealed and retained by the Association Treasurer for two (2) years or duration  of contract, whichever is greater. 
  4. The President will communicate required details of the ratification vote to the employer’s  designated representative. 

Section 5-8 The designated representative for the Association is authorized to give  timely notice of intent to strike to the Board of Education and SERB upon approval of the  membership and in keeping with provisions of ORC 4117.14 (D) (2). 

Section 5-9 Non-members of the Association are not eligible to vote on a fact finder’s  report or contract ratification. 


Section 6-1 The annual dues of this Association shall be 0.19% of the base salary for  a B.A. degree on the current Buckeye Local Salary Schedule. The dues rate for the succeeding  year shall be determined by the April meeting of the Board of Directors/Executive Committee  subject to approval by a simple majority of membership. 

Section 6-2 Every member shall also pay the dues required by the district, state, and  national associations with which this local is affiliated. 

Section 6-3 The association shall annually enter into a Dues Transmittal Agreement  with the Ohio Education Association. 


Section 7-1 The membership year of the Association shall be September 1 to August  31. 


Section 8-1 According to procedures adopted by the Association, the Board of  Directors/Executive Committee may censure, suspend from membership, or expel any member  for one or more of the following reasons: 

  1. Violation of the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession. 
  2. Conviction of a felony. 
  3. Actively engaging in, or actively supporting activities directed against the constitutional  purposes of the Association to bring about changes in the Association by means other than  those that are consistent with the Association’s Constitution. 

Section 8-2 The Board of Directors/Executive Committee may reinstate members  previously suspended or expelled. 


Section 9-1 The Association guarantees that no member may be censured,  suspended, or expelled without a due process hearing, which shall include an appropriate  appellate procedure. 


Section 10-1 Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall be the authority governing  all matters of procedure not otherwise provided in this constitution, bylaws, or standing rules. 


Section 11-1 Amendments, alterations, additions, or deletions to these Bylaws shall be  made by a majority vote of the total active membership of the Association. 

Section 11-2 Changes shall be proposed upon the initiative of the Constitution  Committee or upon presentation to the Board of Directors/Executive Committee of a petition  signed by twenty (20) percent of the current active membership. All proposed changes shall be  submitted in writing to all active members at least ten (10) days prior to action. 


Section 12-1 A petition for dissolution of the Association may be presented in writing to  a meeting of the general membership by any member in good standing and must contain the  signature of three-fourths (3/4) of the total membership of the Association. 

Section 12-2 Upon receipt of the petition for dissolution by the total membership, the  Association shall act upon the petition at the next general membership meeting. 

Section 12-3 The Association shall be considered dissolved if three-fourths (3/4) of the  total membership vote by secret ballot in favor of dissolution. 

Section 12-4 The effective date of dissolution shall be thirty (30) days from the date of  the vote, thus allowing for the disposal of assets and liabilities.

Section 12-5 In the event of dissolution of the Association, all assets of this  organization remaining after payment of all obligations shall be distributed to the Buckeye Local  Classroom Teachers’ Association Scholarship provided that it is an entity recognized as exempt  from Federal taxation. In the event that the BLCTA Scholarship is not then recognized as tax  exempt, such assets shall then pass to Buckeye Local Close-Up program provided that is  recognized as exempt from Federal taxation. 


Section 13-1 This Constitution and these Bylaws shall become effective September 1,  2011, following their adoption, and shall remain in effect until amended according to regulations  herein provided. 

Section 13-2 This Constitution shall remain consistent with the Constitution of the OEA. APPENDIX A 


Section 14- 1. Every member of the Association, by virtue of such membership, agrees  that, in consideration of the rights and benefits conferred upon him or her pursuant to the terms  of the Association Constitution, her or she shall be subject to disciplinary action for any conduct  

which constitutes a violation of his or her duties and obligations as stated in Section 2 below.  Every member, by virtue of his or her membership, agrees that termination of membership does  not terminate his or her liability for discipline for acts occurring during the period of his or her  membership. 

Section 14- 2. Any member or elected or appointed officer may be charged and  disciplined for engaging in conduct which constitutes a violation of his or her duties and  obligation to the membership. The basis for such charges shall include, but not be limited to, the  following: 

  1. Violating any provision of the approved Constitution or established Bylaws of the Association  or its affiliates. 
  2. Failing to pay dues, fines, assessments, fees, and other financial obligations owed to the  Association or its affiliates in a timely manner. 
  3. Obtaining membership by misrepresentation or through other fraudulent means. 
  4. Working in the interest of, or accepting membership in, any competing organization with  interests dual to the Association. 
  5. Furnishing a complete or partial list of the membership of the Association to any 

person other than those whose position entitles them to have a list, without specific  authorization in writing from the Association President. 

  1. Deliberately engaging in conduct, which violates the responsibility of members toward the  Association as an institution.
  2. Unreasonably, unlawfully or improperly disturbing the peace or harmony of any meeting of  the Association. 
  3. Embezzling, misappropriating, fraudulently receiving, wrongfully handling, or failing to  account for the funds of the Association, or any employee benefit fund. 
  4. Wrongfully taking, retaining, or destroying any money, books, papers or any other property  belonging to the Association. 
  5. Using the name of the Association for soliciting funds, for advertising, or for any other similar  activities. 
  6. Crossing or working behind a lawful and properly authorized picket line established by the  Association. 
  7. Working for lower wages, longer hours, or other conditions inferior to those established by the  Association collective bargaining agreement. 
  8. Acting in any way to circumvent, defeat or interfere with: (1) the Association’s collective  bargaining agreement with the employer or (2) the 

Association’s performance of its legal or contractual rights or obligations. 

  1. Disclosing any confidential matter of Association or its affiliates to any employer or employer  agent. 
  2. Acting in collusion with any employer or employer agent to the detriment of the Association. 
  3. In the case of any elected or appointed Officer of the Association, failing to faithfully perform  the duties of his or her office or position, or accepting dual compensation or expenses for the  performance of duties related to his or her office or position. 
  4. Making false and malicious statements, which jeopardize the employment or reputation of  another Association member. 
  5. Filing a malicious and frivolous charge against a member or Officer, as evidenced by the  Hearing Board’s dismissal of said charge with a finding that the charge was malicious and  frivolous.